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Times and Seasons - Full Service - Transfiguration Sunday – Last before Lent - Year A
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Transfiguration Sunday – Last before Lent - Year A
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Transfiguration Sunday – Last before Lent - Year A Service contains: Opening Hymn: Christ, whose glory fills the skies or Bright morning maker Responsive Prayer: Great God, you bring light Hymn: Have faith in God, my heart or God laughs at foolish schemes and plans Reading: Exodu
Psalms for Everyone - Who Can I Turn To?
Psalms for Everyone - Who Can I Turn To?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Who Can I Turn To? Psalm 4 We were at the farmer’s market (in Britain one would call it a street market). I really wanted new potatoes, which the New York Times had assured me should be available, but I was not surprised that East Coast information on such matters does not necess
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Darkness and Light in Matters of Sex
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Darkness and Light in Matters of Sex
by SPCK - N T Wright
Darkness and Light In Matters of Sex Ephesians 5.3-10 The poster in the college gateway had one large word in the middle of it: SEX. Underneath, in small print, it said, ‘Now you’re interested, how about joining the College Rowing Club?’ Whoever designed the poster wasn’t suggest
Times and Seasons - Why go to the wilderness, seek out the God-head
Times and Seasons - Why go to the wilderness, seek out the God-head
by Andrew Pratt
Why go to the wilderness, seek out the God-head? What is this perception, this mystical force? The people were drawn to the bank of the Jordan, the river winds onward, still follows its course. No change of direction, the river flows onward, yet people were challenged to alter th
Traces of Glory Year B - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Traces of Glory The Second Sunday of Christmas Year B Jeremiah 31. 7-14 Ps. 147. 12-20 Or: Ecclus. 24. 1-12 Canticle: Wisdom of Solomon 10. 15-21 Ephesians 1. 3-14 John 1. [1-9] 10-18 Blessed be you, 0 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; you have blessed us with every spirit
Salt and Light
Salt and Light
by Dave Hopwood
Feet of Clay and the Breath of God Bible Ref: Isaiah 42; Matthew 5-8 & 10; Mark 3; Luke 6 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrat
Flames of life
Flames of life
by Joy Sykes
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Luke for Everyone - Zechariah's Song of Praise
Luke for Everyone - Zechariah's Song of Praise
by SPCK - N T Wright
Zechariah’s Song of Praise Luke 1.57-80 Many people today can’t imagine what life would be like without a television. We are so used to it telling us what to think about all the time that, without it, some people become quite worried, lost in a world of their own unfamiliar thoug
Your word is truth